Rates & Cancellations


Mediations in Ottawa or Virtually

Half Day Mediation

Up to 3 hours



The fee is inclusive of preparation time prior to the mediation

Full Day Mediation

Up to 6 hours



The fee is inclusive of preparation time prior to the mediation

*Additional time beyond the scheduled mediation will be charged at $400.00 per hour plus HST.

In Person Mediations in the Eastern Region outside Ottawa

Full Day Mediation

Up to 6 hours



The fee is inclusive of travel time and preparation time prior to the mediation

*Additional time beyond the scheduled mediation will be charged at $400.00 per hour plus HST.

In Person Mediations outside the Eastern Region

The fee, as well as any travel or accommodation expenses will be discussed and agreed to between the parties and the mediator.

Premium for Multiple Actions or Parties

For mediations involving more than one action, global mediations of both the MVA Tort and AB claims, or involving more than three parties, a premium on the mediation fee will be discussed and agreed to between the parties and the mediator.

Cancellation Fees

For mediations in Ottawa, the Eastern Region or virtually, if the mediation is cancelled within 15 days of the scheduled date, there will be a cancellation fee of 50% plus HST of the mediation fee.

For in person mediations outside the Eastern Region, the cancellation fee together with reimbursement for any expenses incurred for travel or accommodation, will be discussed and agreed to between the parties and the mediator.

Payment of Accounts

Unless otherwise discussed and agreed in advance between the parties and the mediator, the fees for the mediation will be shared and paid equally by counsel for the parties.

All accounts for fees, disbursements and HST are due and payable when rendered. Overdue accounts bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum calculated monthly until paid in full.