John Dempster



Mediation: A Path to Early and Satisfactory Resolution

"Litigation is expensive, time-consuming, and stressful, with outcomes that are difficult to predict and the potential for lengthy proceedings that carry a great deal of risk. As your mediator, I serve as a neutral facilitator of constructive settlement negotiations, helping you discuss and assess the costs and risks of your case and explore agreeable resolutions early on. My goal is to achieve a satisfactory resolution that avoids the costs and risks of ongoing litigation, allowing you to move forward."

~ John Dempster

John Dempster

About Me

I graduated from military college with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in 1985. Following this, I served as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces until 1990. After completing my military service, I pursued legal studies and graduated from law school. In 1995, I was called to the Bar of Ontario which marked the beginning of my nearly three-decade-long career in litigation.

Over my career as a litigation lawyer, I have represented clients at all levels of court in Ontario, including the Ontario Court of Appeal. Additionally, I was appointed as the Deputy Registrar in Bankruptcy in Ottawa, where I presided over various bankruptcy hearings.

I have represented many different clients and have developed a wide range of experience in various litigation matters in various practice areas. Over the years, I have participated in many mediations in all of these practice areas. I am a strong believer in mediation and achieving early resolution of claims.

Areas of Expertise

Personal Injury

Construction Law

Employment Law

Estate Litigation

Professional Negligence

Bankruptcy Law

Land Development

Environmental Law

Property Damage & Insurance Claims

Condominium Law & Commercial Lease

Long Term Disability Claims

Commercial Litigation & Shareholder Disputes